The Zimbabwe Parents for Handicapped Children Association (ZPHCA) managed to create a Disability Inclusive Parenting Toolkit, the toolkit provided practical information on how to plan, coordinate and implement inclusive parenting that address the needs and priorities of children with disabilities.
The use of evidence-based interventions can be increased via a toolkit, which is a collection of flexible materials to guide and ease implementation. The majority of accessible toolkits offer materials regarding the intervention but do not include instructions for customization to various contexts or implementation support tactics. Generally, toolkits are designed to help users implement more seamlessly, thereby bridging or reducing the gap between implementation and practice. They provide a blueprint for what to do, when to do it and how to do it.
The Zimbabwe Parents Handicapped Children Association team managed to train community resource persons in Zhombe, Redcliff and Kwekwe on the Disability Inclusive Parenting Toolkit. The toolkit will include a set of short guidance, practical tools and capacity-building packages that provide operational guidance on including community resource persons on the disability parenting toolkit.
From the training, community resource persons managed understand what the Disability Inclusive Parenting Toolkit is, what it does, how to use it and how it is going to make positive change to children with disabilities. Persons in Zhombe, Redcliff and Kwekwe were extremely grateful and delighted of the training, hence they requested more programs and engagements from the Zimbabwe Parents Handicapped Children Association team.