- Rights Empowerment – ZPHCA has been hosting Children Living with Disability Rights Training Workshops in Harare and Chitungwiza. Through the Project ZPHCA managed to reach out to more than 500 children living with disability and their parents and siblings sensitizing them of their Rights guaranteed by the Constitution of Zimbabwe and other national and international statutes. Disabled children in the area of operation are now empowered and knowledgeable of their rights and are now voicing out against rights violations in homes, community and schools.
- Community Acceptance – Children living with disability are enjoying the general acceptance and conducive environment created through the ZPHCA Awareness raising Campaigns, Advocacy and Lobby Campaigns and ZPHCA Peer to Peer Education Campaigns programs carried out during the period in question. Such Acceptance is nonetheless not achieved everywhere and not at the same time. It is a constant engagement that ZPHCA has resorted to pursue as long as it will take.
- Improved Primary Care – ZPHCA through this Grant funding has hosted Primary Care Givers Refresher Courses for parents, siblings, peer educators and caregivers caring for children and young adults living with disability in Harare and Chitungwiza. Ensuring the health and wellbeing of children living with disability remains ZPHCA primary objective and it is encouraging getting feedback from the children and parents acknowledging the improvement in caring standards particularly coming from siblings and other family members trained.
- Diet Improvement – ZPHCA through the Grant Facility managed to embark on the Broiler Poultry Project, Peanut Butter Making and Candle Making at some of its centers as part of Income generation and self-sustenance endeavors. The Income Generation Projects (IGPs) benefited children enrolled by ZPHCA who managed to enjoy delicious meals carters of the proceeds from the projects which were shared by group members. ZHCA also managed to sell their products for a profit with the resources mobilized being used to diversify the diets at their respective Centers.
Supported by Misereor